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You  cross her  (him) everywhere, she (he) forms  integral  part of  your  everyday life: on TV,   Radio, Cinema,  in  your  GPS,  on the Internet, at  the Museum ...
  hear her (him)  goal  can't identify  tea  person. 
  Voice Talent must  remain  in  tea  shade  while managing  to captivate  tea  Warning  of  the public  in  a few  seconds. She (He) must  be  able  to magnify  To  text, in order to   sale, tell, explain, tell,  explain,

play  characters.

The Voice Talent needs hours learning  for each of the twenty  specialties.
There are
  3  categories:

    - Tea  Speaker:  will use his natural Voice in specialties like
Corporate Film, Audiotel, Narration,
  Neutral Advertising ...
        - The Comedian Voice Talent:  comes from the artistic community  (cinema, theater, cartoon), or is endowed with a natural talent to play comedy.
        - The Chameleon: as indicated by her (his)  name, the Chameleon is able to do everything in all specialties. He (She) is very good at creating characters, and excels in imitations.


Need a Voice Talent to
realize your project?

You are in the right place

I invite you to contact me .

photo de gladys boucaud voix off en ligne

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